Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Being a Beachbody Coach

I have been a Beachbody Coach since August 2011.  I can honsetly say it has it ups and downs, but for the most part I think I am constantly UP.  I became a coach because I was using my husbands account when he was not home and replied to people as if they were talking to my husband about Beachbody.  Then one day, I got caught red handed using his Beachbody account.  I enjoyed talking to people that I decided that day (the day I got caught) that being a coach was for ME.

I enjoy what I do as a coach.  I talk to people about the changes I HAVE MADE WITH MYSELF.  I don't like to brag, but I love the fact that I lost weight and I am keeping it off.  I love being complimented at work as I walk through the hallway and people notice me.  And guess what - they all ask me "How did you lose the weight?".  I am a product of the product, so I felt that I really was not talking about myself - I am talking about how these programs WORK.  I never had time to go to the gym, but since I am home I had time to do a video at home.

I can honestly say that being a coach is right for me.  I love to support people on their journey and I enjoy reading of their success.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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