Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shakeology is the BEST

When I first came accross Shakeology, my first thought was the price.  I could not get past the price and how much it cost.  It cost $119.95 - so pretty much that is $120. 00 flat.   My husband and I debated about the price and the cost of this product.  He wanted to purchase it and I did not.  However, in the end, since there is a BOTTOM OF THE BAG GUARENTEE, I said that he can order it. 

After my husband broke down the price I truely gave in to ordering it

For $120.00 for Shakeology, I realized that we spent:

1 - $100 eatting out for dinner every 2 weeks
2 - Spent of $50 in junk food,
3 - Dunkin Donuts coffee constantly (price unknown - Always changed our orders and ordered for    the kids)
 4 - We would visit Starbucks to get a small "something" that turned out to be more than what I expected.

So considering that I already passed $120.00 when we did the math, Shakeology seems like it was worth a try.

Here is my video on how I make the shake.

Or you can check out this link for more information.

Now I have to admit, the first few times I did not like Shakeology.  I thought it was nasty and disgusting.  I went online and asked my Beachbody friends advice on how to make the shake.  And to my surprise - IT WAS AWESOME.  It hit the spot.  We had Chocolate Shakeology and when we made it, we both were not hungry for hours.  I thought I was going crazy.  This shake is actually good, it was not gritty and did not leave an after taste. By the time we reached the end of the bag I told my hushand we HAVE to order another bag.

Now you decide.  Try it for 30 and you tell me your story.  I would love to hear/read about it.


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